mercoledì 15 febbraio 2012

Technologies and gadgets


Creative Zen V

Nowadays, when we talk about technology it’s difficult not to think in computers. Since the creation of the first personal computer all the technologies were based on computers, creating new ones, models and

Every single thing that can make your life easier or can resolve a problem is called gadget. May be twenty years ago when you say the word gadget the people thought in a Swiss Army knife or a walkman or may be a portable stereo, but right now a gadget may refer to an Ipod or others Mp3’s, a laptop or netbook computer, smartphones, etc. because those articles are the Swiss army knife of the World 2.0.

What's my favorite gadget?
My fovorite gadget is my Creative Zen mp3, because I listen to music almost all day long. And with it I also listen to he radio or listen to auidiobooks. I can record voice and storage it in commons audio file formats.
Also I like so much the Mac's products like IPod and Iphone even a don't have one of them, but I know that these products have a good quality and an excellent design.

martedì 14 febbraio 2012

The beauty is in the eye of beholder

Sometimes you heard someone says “how beautiful is this girl” or “what a pretty girl”, but, do you really know what beauty means? In the dictionary we can find these definitions of beauty: a combination of qualities that delights the aesthetic senses; denoting something intended to make someone more attractive; an excellent example of something; an attractive feature or advantage. What are those qualities? How can you define who are the prettiest who are the ugliest? May be is easier say that beauty is in the eye of beholder and everyone thinks who are pretty who are not.
Scientists says that beauty can be measure with a simple sum of factors that a woman or a man can has in their faces and body. If you have symmetry in your face with an equal skin color and athletic body with toned muscles; you are a beautiful. May be they are right and all these actresses with their incredible shape, with their skinny bodies and blond hairs are the most beautiful women in the world.
So, that’s mean we are the ugliest… And what if is that true?  Do you really think is important an static with all the votes showing that your beautiful or not? Do you really care if someone says you are a pretty girl or you are handsome boy? For me that’s not important; what's really important is to cultivate your soul, your feelings and what you really are. Your body is important, you have to preserve your integrity and your health.
Don’t matter what they say, just matter what you think and what you want. Just show respect for yourself and others, having a criterion doesn’t mean that you have to disrespect others.  

 This video is from Macy Gray an American Pop singer. She says in their song that there is too much beauty in the world and I can add, that every single people in the world are to. No matter if you are skinny or fat, tall or small, just matter what we really are, what is in our soul; just matter “our way to be”. Do good and do not look at who.

martedì 7 febbraio 2012

Legal alien (Alien) in Maracaibo

Few days ago, in class we listened to a song from an British singer called Sting. The song's name is Englishman in New York, released in 1987, and it's one of the most famous songs of this singer and one of the best in the history of British Rock. In class we read the lyrics and discussed about it. Reading the lyrics I toke and especial phrase of this song: "I'm alien, I'm a legal alien, am a English man in New York", and I said to myself "I'm an alien (Alien) in Maracaibo, Am a legal Alien in Maracaibo".

To be honest, I listened many times to this song but didn't pay too much attention to the lyrics until now. In this song there are a few sentences that really made me feel related. One of then was “If, Manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say”. I think this sentence is the perfect one to describe myself.

People like me have good manners and is our nature to have good attitude and modals, people like me don't yell or insult others and show respect at any time to everyone. It isn't an obligation or something that we "have to do", it's our nature; but some people in this city see that like a rare way to be.

Sometimes we have to smile (and suffer) the ignorance , eat our wildest part and swallow the anger. It's better to smile and keep walking our way, "be your self, no matter what they say". May be we are Aliens for them and they don't seem humans for me.

If you want to see the video this is the link: Englishman in New York

Live long and prosper!

Mind map

Mind maps o spidergrams are "diagrams (= simple plan) with lines and circles for organising information so that it is easier to use or remember" (Cambridge online dictionary, 

This one doesn't contain to much words but contain some images to explain what's on my mind and you can understand better what I do and what I like: